© Heidi Soidinsalo
WAUHAUS is part of the grand opening exhibition “14 Rooms” at the newly renovated Puistokatu 4 – a Space for Science and Hope. The century old mansion, located in the Kaivopuisto district in Helsinki, Finland, is a space for research, work and discourse on the current ecological crisis.
Puistokatu 4 is a joint project between the Tiina and Antti Herlin Foundation and Maj and Thor Nessling Foundation. WAUHAUS members Samuli Laine and Heidi Soidinsalo have created an installation called Treehouse as part of an immersive exhibition that takes over the entire mansion.
Recycling elements from previous works by WAUHAUS, Treehouse seeks to reflect our interconnectedness to our surroundings and other species. Visitors are invited into a tent to view a recording of a talk by evolutionary biologist Aura Raulo that is accompanied by video material created by Jonatan Sundström.
Concept & creation: Heidi Soidinsalo & Samuli Laine
Video lecture: Aura Raulo at the event A Messy Seminar (WAUHAUS, HAM, Helsinki Biennial)
Additional video material: Jonatan Sundström. The videos are excess material from Some unexpected remnants.
Crafting of tent and pillow cases: Eeva Varmola
Tent fabric: from the performance Sapiens – The story of a storytelling species (The Finnish National Theatre in collaboration with Zodiak and WAUHAUS, based on Yuval Noah Harari’s original work, adaptation and performance script by Minna Leino)
Treehouse © Heidi Soidinsalo
Treehouse © Heidi Soidinsalo
Treehouse © Heidi Soidinsalo
Treehouse © Heidi Soidinsalo
Treehouse © Heidi Soidinsalo