© Katri Naukkarinen
Flashdance is a show where darkness takes a material form. It is a show in which a plastic entity – the size of the whole stage area – transforms into a moving darkness. This entity turns into sculptural landscapes and forms impossible for the human body. It literally overshadows the spectator. The audience is faced with their limited ability to see and the boundless terrain of their imagination. Flashdance evokes that which is mysterious and unconscious. In Flashdance darkness does not need to be scary, it can also be your friend.
Concept: WAUHAUS
On stage: Hanna Ahti, Wilhelm Grotenfelt, Johannes Purovaara and Aksinja Lommi
Offstage: Laura Haapakangas, Juni Klein, Samuli Laine, Jarkko Partanen,
Jani-Matti Salo, Jussi Matikainen and Heidi Soidinsalo
Production: Zodiak - Center for New Dance, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, WAUHAUS
Residency Support: O Espaco do Tempo, Portugal
Premiere: 7th of December 2016
Supported by: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Jenny ja Antti Wihuri Fondation, [DNA] Creative Europa Programme
Festival Appearances
6-7/9. Homo Novus, Riga, Latvia
16-17/9. Plartforma, Klaipeda, Lithuania
30/10 ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Kuopio, Finland
22/10 METEOR Internasjonal teaterfestival i Bergen, Bergen, Norway
5-6/7 Baltoscandal, Rakvere, Estonia
15/12 Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform, Reykjavik, Iceland
"Every viewer sees a performance of their own, which brings about many exceptional questions regarding the ontology of all performances. Flashdance is an impulse that either makes the audience independent or lonely."
- Niko Hallikainen, Okulaari
"Flashdance is a laboratory in the sense that the audience becomes more aware of their ways of looking instead of sinking into their own worlds."
- Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat
"För vill man så kan man förstås läsa in en berättelse. En berättelse om ett urhav, några vulkanutbrott och sedan uppkomsten av liv och individer. Ett mysterium som bara kan iscensättas i mörkret."
- Isabella Rothberg, Huvudstads Bladet
This performance is available for touring. Please contact info@wauhaus.fi for further information!
Flashdance © Jani-Matti Salo
Flashdance © Jani-Matti Salo
Flashdance © Samuli Laine
Flashdance © Samuli Laine
Flashdance © Katri Naukkarinen
Flashdance © Katri Naukkarinen